Upcoming MMORPGS

Upcoming MMORPGs: Top 5 Anticipated Titles

MMORPG is a widely popular genre in the gaming world. And at some point in life, we all had that one MMO that we really obsessed with.

All that time invested in the creation of the character, picking out the name (and the one you want is somehow always taken), doing quests, levelling up, getting better gear, and getting those shiny skins, mounts, and flyers.

And even though we probably quit it eons ago, we still occasionally download it to check out what’s new and reminisce about old times. Look man, I’m not here to judge, I’m guilty of this too. I’m just here to give you the list of upcoming MMORPGs that might scratch that itch or be that nostalgic game for your future.  

1. Ashes of Creation

At some point since 2016 you were bound to hear about Ashes of Creation. That is, unless you were living under rock without any access to the internet. In which case I’m sorry but no worries, I got you.

The game is being developed by Intrepid Studios, a massively talented team under Steven Sharif’s leadership. Ashes of Creation is set in a fictional medieval fantasy world named Verra.

Once you are done customizing your character, you’ll be given the option to pick between nine races. These consist of Kaelar or Vaelune Human, Empyrean or Py’rai Elf, Ren’kai or Vek Orc, Dünir or Niküa Dwarf, and the Tulnar. 

The official release date is yet to be announced but I’ll be doing a full-on review in the near future so watch out.

2. Dune: Awakening

It’s a new upcoming open-world game set in a ”vast and seamless” Arrakis. From what I understood, we’ll be starting fresh and getting only one small weapon to make our way to success.

And also I have a feeling that water is going to be the main currency in the game since they kinda mention that water management is going to be a big deal in order to survive. People estimate that the release date should be somewhere in early 2024 but they haven’t announced it.

3. Tarisland

It’s been said that Tarisland is supposed to be released somewhere in 2023 and considering we are already deep in October, it should be any moment now. Unless some unforeseen delays happened, but as we know, that barely happens in the gaming world.

My first initial thought was “This game looks oddly familiar” and then I remembered that WOW exists. And with that said lets move on.

The game will be released on PC and mobile devices. This means that even if you are busy with work, you can sneak a quick raid with your teammates on your lunch break. This is also one of those games I’ll be definitely playing and reviewing. 

4. Chrono Odyssey

Chrono Odyssey is an upcoming Next-Gen Fantasy MMORPG planned for PC and Consoles by South Korean studio NPIXEL. As of today, there’s no official release date but it’s rumoured to be out somewhere in 2024.

The game looks absolutely stunning, and from the little gameplay they showed us, all I can say is “I’m in”. The story is set in Setera, a peaceful world at first glance but it has been fighting the Void since time immemorial.

CHRONOTECTOR is an artifact that can manipulate space and time, and it’s been said it’ll play a major role in shaping our experience while exploring the world of Setera. Everything so far looks promising and fun. Let’s hope they deliver.

5. ArcheAge 2 

It’s one of those games that people are having split emotions about. They want to play it for nostalgic reasons but on the other hand, they remember how the game was ruined by P2W wall.

But let’s be honest, no matter what you keep saying or how much you cry, we’re all going to end up doing the same thing. We are going to download the game and see it for ourselves  

The game is stated to be released somewhere in 2024, so I guess I’ll see you then.

The list is not big but it has some promising upcoming MMORPGS. But rest assured I’ll keep a close eye on updates about the release dates and I’ll try to get myself into some of the alphas and betas of the mentioned games. 

Until next time, stay safe and enjoy gaming life.

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