5 Tips to Make Your Fortnite Lego Life (and Gameplay) Easier

Fortnite is known for its collaborations. Usually, they happen in some form of skin or event. But this time they’ve partnered with Lego and made a special mode that I’ve been enjoying enormously. 

I’ve seen some people compare it to Minecraft and call it Fortnite Minecraft but I wouldn’t go so far. Anyway, I’ve spent some time exploring and — well I wouldn’t dare to call myself an expert but considering my level of awesomeness, it’s safe to say I’m getting there. 

And considering the upcoming holidays, I’m willing to share some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way. Now keep in mind that the mode is fairly new and Fortnite will add more stuff and keep fixing bugs. 

There was a bug where if you put your weapon or tools in the chest and destroy it, it would get fixed. Now they patched it and it doesn’t work, except if you put grappler and it resets the number of uses you’ve got but that one is also likely to get fixed. 

But here, we are not going to focus on exploits that are going to be fixed but rather on some more practical stuff.

1. Storage management

No matter what your goal is, I beg you, for the love of everything, make some kind of storage system! 

It can be whatever works best for you as long as it’s practical and allows you to easily find what you’re looking for. Sure at the start of it, you’ll feel like you got it, and it’s not a big deal. But as you progress more, you will get more stuff, and soon enough it will be overwhelming.

And then you’ll end up just like me. Spending a good portion of time trying to find where the hell you put that one thing that you need to craft something, only to end up finding out you already spent it.

tips for fortnite lego: Storage

2. Exploration preparation 

Before you set out into the unknown, you’ll need to take care of a few things. 

The first thing is to prepare food and make sure you have enough for the whole trip. Secondly, make sure to craft enough tools and weapons. And lastly, make sure you empty your bag before going, you don’t need to carry everything with you. 

This means you carry less, which also means you can bring more back to the village. And also if you die and you don’t feel like going back for a backpack, you lose less stuff.

tips for fortnite lego: Inventory

3. Village Upgrade

As you build in your village and gather more resources you’ll have the opportunity to upgrade your village.  

And the more you upgrade your village the more people (NPCs) you can ask to stay with you. Once they become “citizens” of your village, you can assign them some job to do for you, like making food or gathering resources. It comes in handy if you’re short on time.

tips for fortnite lego: Village Upgrade

4. Travel Buddy

Another positive side of your villagers staying with you is that you can make one of them your personal muscle. 

They will follow you anywhere until you order them to stop. You can give them tools and weapons which is so beneficial for faster farming and also additional damage when fighting enemies or a meatshield. Or you can just use them to carry the torch for you. 

Travel Buddy

5. Upgrade The Crafting bench

This one is an absolute must. Before you try to go into the wild and fight hard enemies you need to be stronger and you also need stronger tools. This should be your primary focus no matter what, it’s a no-brainer. 

tips for fortnite lego: crafting bench

Final Thoughts 

That’s pretty much it, the rest of it I’ll leave to your imagination. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things people build because let’s face it, there is no way I build anything remotely cool. That doesn’t mean I won’t try, it’s just that I’m still too busy exploring. Stay tuned on social where I might share my attempt at building something. And also make sure to read my other reviews.

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