State of Mobile Gaming in 2024

Mobile gaming holds a huge chunk of the gaming world. Which is completely justified in today’s world, considering 85% of the world’s population owns a smartphone. And I don’t see that number going anywhere but up. 

So, because mobile games are mostly free (and PC/console games cost money), you may think that mobile games aren’t earning much. But, you’d be wrong. 

Mobile games have larger revenue than PC and Console games combined. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that every major gaming company wants a piece of that pie. 

Now, not all mobile games are great, we are all aware that there are far more Ad simulators than actual games. 

Or if it’s a nice-looking game and for some reason, you enjoy playing it, then there are high chances it is blocked by a paywall. It’s ok for the company to sell some in-game packs or goodies, they have to earn money somehow. But most of us are aware of how greedy and wild they can get sometimes. 

Don’t get me wrong, I ain’t judging you. I’m fully aware of how appealing they can be. All I can say is spend responsibly.

Looking for The Perfect Mobile Game: The Series

In this series, we are on the hunt to find those rare gems that meet our very strict requirements. We are going to be testing mobile games every week. And we are going to be rating them based on a couple of things.

Overall Appeal

The first quality we’ll be looking at is the overall appeal aka how the graphics are compared to the size of the game. Characters, scenery, and the rest of the stuff are going to be graded on a scale of 1 to 10 and we are going to take the average score into the table. 

Also, the storyline is taken into consideration and is going to be judged according to how enjoyable it is. 


The next one is going to be playability. We are going to be checking out how time-consuming they are and how much fun they are in general. If our purpose in-game is only to press the replay button, are we playing the game?

Is it Free to Play Friendly?

This is going to be a tough one. We’ll attempt to find a game that has a nice balance of free-to-play content and items you have to pay for. 

The main thing we’ll look into is how big of a gap the game creates between players who are playing for free, and those who are paying to win. How big is the impact of the packs you can buy in-game? Can you pay to be on the same level as someone who’s been playing for months if you play for a week?

Does the game have an out-of-control VIP system that requires you to spend a lot of money? Does it constantly bother you with pop-up packs?

We’ll also see if a game incentivizes daily spending (small amounts) which can add up to a lot. 

Final Thoughts

Lastly, we are going to take into account the vote of the public aka the rating of the game in the Play Store, and add that to the final tally.

I’m going to attempt to stay as neutral as possible when it comes to judging these games but in the end, it’s just my opinion. So don’t take it too harshly. 

Stay tuned, this is going to be a long one. Check out the rest of my blog.

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