At PlayForge, we pride ourselves on providing our readers with honest, unbiased, and independent reviews of video games. Our review policy is designed to ensure transparency, integrity, and credibility in all our evaluations. Below are the submission guidelines and the principles that guide our review process:

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Game Submissions: Developers and publishers are welcome to submit their games for review consideration. Submissions can be made via email to
  2. Platform Compatibility: We accept games across various platforms, including but not limited to PC, PlayStation, and mobile platforms.
  3. Submission Requirements: Along with the game submission, developers/publishers are welcome to provide relevant press materials, including game trailers, screenshots, and any additional information that can aid in the review process.
  4. Timeline: We aim to review submitted games in a timely manner.

Review Principles:

  1. Independence: PlayForge maintains editorial independence from any external influences, including developers, publishers, or advertisers. Our reviews are based solely on the merits of the game itself, without any bias or favoritism.
  2. Honesty: Our reviews are grounded in honesty and transparency. We strive to provide our readers with genuine insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each game, without sugar-coating or overly harsh criticism.
  3. Transparency: We disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as receiving review copies or sponsorship, to our readers. Transparency is paramount in maintaining trust and credibility with our audience.
  4. Evaluation Criteria: Our reviews are guided by a set of standardized evaluation criteria, which may include gameplay mechanics, graphics, sound design, narrative, replay value, and overall enjoyment. Each game is assessed based on these criteria to provide a comprehensive and balanced review.
  5. Reviewer Expertise: Our review team comprises experienced gamers and industry professionals who are passionate about gaming. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise ensure thorough and informed evaluations of each game.

Editorial Oversight:

  1. Editorial Control: The editorial team at PlayForge oversees the review process to maintain consistency, quality, and adherence to our review methodology.
  2. Re-review Policy: In cases where significant updates or changes are made to a game post-release, we reserve the right to re-review the game to provide our readers with updated impressions.