games like gta v

5 Games Like GTA V 

When it comes to GTA V, there is one thing that we can agree on: It’s one of the best games released in the 21st century. It was released in 2013 and to this day still remains one of the most played games. 

People just can’t stop returning to it and I can’t blame them because I too love to boot it up occasionally and mess around Los Santos. Now, normally there is a limit that you can play it and you might want to change it up a little bit. So here is the list of the games similar to GTA that you also might enjoy playing:

1. Cyberpunk 2077

games like gta V: cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is best described as a futuristic-looking GTA. So, if by now you haven’t played it, I highly recommend it. 

I played it back then when it was released, full of bugs, and all kinds of problems, and still enjoyed it. Since its release in 2020, they worked on the game and fixed all of the issues, polished it even more and they’ve added some new stuff. So now you can purchase it without fear of how it might turn out. 

2. Just Cause 4

just cause 4

In Just Cause 4, you get to play as Rico Rodríguez who is determined to discover the truth about a fictional nation called Solís. 

It’s a huge open-world map that has stunning terrain covered with all kinds of biomes. Just Cause 4 features a wide range of vehicles and weapons including the staple grappling hook and wingsuit for easier exploration. I’ve spent countless hours just gliding around and having fun. 

3. Watch Dogs 2

Hands down, the Watch Dogs 2 is the game closest to GTA V when it comes to the looks of it. It’s like GTA mixed with a lot of elements of hacking and sneaking around. 

It’s very underrated with a lot of potential. Watch Dog 2 is a great game but it could have been one of those games for history books — unfortunately it isn’t. 

Anyways, If you haven’t already then you should get it and experience it for yourself. There is a lot of fun to have in the fictionalized version of the San Francisco Bay Area.

4. Mafia: Definitive Edition

games like gta V

As someone who played the original version of Mafia and had an absolute blast, I was overjoyed to hear that they’ll be doing the remake of it. 

You get to experience the life of the old-school mobsters and what it was like in their daily lives. You get to see the harsh reality of it all. Also, you get to witness the rise and fall of the main protagonist Tommy as he tells his story to a detective in order to save the lives of his family. 

Back then when I played the game, I considered it a masterpiece. Now, many years and games later, and I’ve still gotta admit that it’s a whole experience playing it. 

5. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers

games like gta V: police sim

If you ever wondered how it would be to play a Police Officer in GTA V, worry not. This Police simulator can give you that experience. You get to play as a cop and stop those who are breaking the law or doing some kind of dangerous stuff. 

This list is guaranteed to keep you busy and entertained for days to come. By the time you go through all of them, you’ll be ready to play GTA again and sooner than you know it, GTA 6 will come out, and then who knows how long we’ll be obsessed with it.

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