Chronicle of Infinity Game Review

Chronicle of Infinity is a game made by NEOCRAFT LIMITED, and with over a million downloads in less than a year, I wanted to see for myself if it’s a success. I mean, it has 4.7 stars on the Play Store and 4.8 stars on the App Store. Surely we can trust their rating system to let us know what games are good and worth our time? Well, I’ll be the judge of that.

Chronicle of Infinity is a mobile RPG game and from the get-go, I must admit that it does look absolutely beautiful. The graphics are top-tier, especially for a mobile game. So I must admit, that’s a positive first impression. The game has 3 options when it comes to classes. You can choose to be Phantom (melee/dps), Dragoon (melee/control), or Arcania (ranged/dps). I’ve picked Phantom, and the skill animations for it are also nice looking but there are only four of them. Which is a big disappointment; if you don’t have many classes, at least make those classes have more skills.

Chronicle of Infinity Review classes


My first impressions were mixed but once I started playing the game, and going through the tutorial, I was starting to have fun. But once I finished the tutorial, my excitement about the game started to diminish. They introduced auto-play and blitz systems almost immediately. Which is okay in some instances but if you base your whole game on that system, you don’t have much left. Tap to start, tap to go to next, and suddenly you are stuck in a vicious circle, doing the same thing all over again. It’s like they tried to take the best out of many other games but somehow fumbled and we got stuck with this.

Chronicle of Infinity Review fight

The point of the game is to level your character, get him better gear, better pets, and the rest of the shiny shebang that comes with it. When it comes to getting gear, it’s partially luck-based. Yes, you can get it in by farming but the most “efficient” way would be crafting gear using tickets. You need to fuse lower rarity for a higher grade. And while you do that, you’ll be competing against other players in Arena and some of the guild events. For the Arena part, the thing I noticed is that if your BR is higher than opponents, you can just blitz, no need to fight.

Is it Free to Play Friendly?

I’ve played the game for some time and I’ve managed to climb to the top 50 in Arena. Granted, it’s a fairly new server and there aren’t many players on it but still, I’M THE BEST. On a more serious note, do you have a chance to be a top champion like me? As a f2p player? It all depends on how many whales are on the server. There are obvious disadvantages compared to them. You’ll never be able to catch up but with a little luck and a lot of smart grinds, you definitely could be somewhere up there *pat pat*. And to answer the burning question. My personal belief is that it’s not F2P-friendly, the Power of the number one guy (and every other whale) is almost ten times bigger than mine. And I tried really hard to climb up. Didn’t miss a thing. I can only imagine the gap is going to become even bigger as time passes.


If you are keen on playing this game, I suggest that you just take things slowly. Save your diamonds for possible upcoming events that might have good rewards. And if you are interested in some free stuff, here are some of the codes that worked for me:

  • Vinny2024 
  • 6TsV2Bpzd 
  • FcVu2EEPX 
  • NewYear24
  • CW3YbSyLE 
  • ZsMmtykZv 
  • ZsMx5MAY5 
  • ZShL6vbht 
  • ZsF6fMaUn

Final thoughts

I hope my Chronicle of Infinity Review helps you make a decision about this game. I really did enjoy it for a short period of time, but after it just got too repetitive for my liking. Maybe in the future, if they change some stuff, we try it again. Until then make sure to check some of my other articles here.

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